More Clients Group Marketing Programme
It is a powerful, valuable and structured six month step-by-step programme for a group of six ambitious service business owners that want to find more clients, increase their earnings and market their business in a more successful way. Each monthly session covers a specific marketing building block that is essential to creating a more clients marketing system that delivers results for your business
- The sessions are packed half days. They are hands-on, practical and interactive. You will be working with me and, at most, six other business owners to action and implement my tried and tested more clients marketing approach
- Each session also includes detailed notes, templates and examples that you can implement swiftly. Plus, the added support and experience from fellow group members will help you take action with confidence
Session 1: Building The More Clients Foundation
Before you can create your More Clients Marketing system you need to build a rock-solid foundation. Our first session covers the absolute marketing essentials:
Session 2: How to Position and ‘Set your’ Business Up to Get More Clients
In a competitive world how can your business or practice stand out from the crowd? Positioning your business to win the attention of prospective clients is core to your future success. In this session I will show you how to stop random scatter gun marketing and start to focus on being an expert in your field.
Session 3: Your Compelling More Clients Marketing Message
Your marketing needs to be all about your clients. Now that you know how to position your business and are clear on who are your ideal clients are, it’s time to work on your marketing message. Your message needs to make your prospects sit up and take notice and think ‘that’s exactly what I need’. It’s all in the words – How to use ADICA to attract attention and create interest in your services
Session 4: How To Generate Qualified Leads, Enquires Referrals and Conversations That Convert To New Clients (without having to cold call complete strangers)
Every new client starts with a lead. In this session I will show you how to generate quality leads using permission-based marketing strategies. You will be able to attract your ideal clients authentically without having to use those awful, uncomfortable cold sales techniques. There are dozens of ways to generate quality leads and I will fully detail my own lead generation systems.
Session 5: Your Marketing Mix – Ways To Reach Your Target Clients
Getting your message to your target market and generating leads needs a mix of different marketing activities. It’s absolutely crucial to have more than one method to reach them. In this session we will create a lead generation campaign, based on the Marketing Mix of activities that you are most comfortable with. I will explain each strategy in detail so you can decide the best fit for your business. You will learn how to get more clients from several different marketing strategies.
Session 6: Authentic Soft Sales Conversation
At some point, you are going to have to speak to someone about becoming your client. Your marketing is probably creating more interest in your services, but you may not be turning those prospects into clients.
If you feel uncomfortable or pushy when it comes to closing the sale, then this session will be massively helpful. You will be able to have a stress-free sales conversation without being too ‘salesy’ and it will help you to significantly increase the number of prospects you convert into clients:
Session 7: Group Feedback
This session is about having a step by step plan of action that you use to help implement your more clients marketing activity.
It is your opportunity to ask your group colleagues to give open and honest feedback on your More Clients marketing blueprint. Constructive feedback from your peers is invaluable and can often help identify gaps and bottlenecks that you have not spotted. Just to make it interesting I’ll be donating a prize to the person that the group believes has done an outstanding job.
This is a fun and interactive session and you will leave with comments, help and ideas from your peers.
Outcomes You Can Expect
You will have an authentic, considered blueprint to help take your current business to a new level of success. It will help get any new business off to a flying start.
By the end of the programme you will:
- Have clear goals on the income you want and the number of clients you need to achieve it
- Have a step by step, structure and marketing action plan. You will know exactly what to do to find new clients
- Position your business to stand out in your market place
- Have a compelling marketing message that wins attention and interest from the people you want as clients
- Know how to generate a consistent flow of qualified enquires and leads
- You own tailored mix of the most effective marketing activities to reach your clients
- How to close the sale authentically without being pushy
- Be able to attract more clients consistently
- You can probably see that it is exactly the type of hands-on programme you need. It shows you exactly what to do to get more clients so you can grow your business with confidence
Your investment in the programme will be returned by attracting an additional 3 or 4 new clients using the marketing system that I will teach you.
You will have an authentic, considered blueprint to help take your current business to a new level of success. It will help get any new business off to a flying start.
So that I can help get the best results with you, there are only six places available for each programme.
Ford Henderson really does understand what makes clients choose their providers.
This marketing programme also helped me to understand how to display the value of my services to clients.
I started my own quantity surveying practice in 2011, having previously been an employee at similar larger practices and never previously being involved in marketing.
My reasoning was that the best time to work on my marketing methods was at the beginning of my business, to present the best possible perceptions of myself to prospective clients.
Ford Henderson really does understand what makes clients choose their providers. This marketing programme also helped me to understand how to explain the value of my services to clients.
It helped me to see what I was delivering to Clients, rather than elaborating on my qualifications.
It also made me review my marketing information and refocus my messages to explain what benefits clients would get. Ford also introduced me to new methods of keeping in touch with my clients, to stay in their thoughts.
This programme was very powerful in terms of new ideas, but also in reviewing and improving my previous marketing strategies. It also helped me to assess the balance between delivery of services and ongoing marketing activities, such as networking.
I would wholly recommend this marketing programme to business owners who are serious about creating lasting businesses. I am planning for a 30% increase in additional clients.